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Why you should see inside your drains.

G’day it’s Dave

I’m walking through a tree lined street in Bondi Junction. I’ve just been to see my eye surgeon because I have a problem with my eyes. But walking down this tree lined street, I’ve walked passed a pipe relining truck and another plumbing truck. I’m sure that in the street behind me there are loads of houses with tree roots growing in their sewer pipes and it made me think, sometimes plumbers tell us there are things going on in our drains but they don’t show us.

Most of those plumbers have drain cameras as we do. If your plumber tells you that you have problems in your drains ask him if you can see the vision of what is going on in your pipes.

Yes, if you have a broken pipe, caused by the roots of the wonderful trees in this street then you may need to have your pipes relined. But if you only have roots growing into the pipes through the pipe joints then you may not. And rather than spending $1000 dollars per metre on relining all of your pipes, you don’t need to spend all of that money.

Vaporooter is a viable alternative. It’s cost effective and it works!

The key to todays’ video is all about the eyes. If your plumber tells you he sees tree roots in your drains or you have broken pipes that need relining, ask him if you can see that video. It’s a reasonable request. The plumber is going to charge you for putting his drain camera in your pipes I am recommending you ask the plumber to see the footage. In todays electronic world he should be able to share that with you without much fuss.

If you have any questions about blocked drains caused by tree roots, I invite you to ask me.

Call me on 1800 637 600 or go to

Resolving Post-Easter Drain Disasters

A Strategy for Property Managers

I know the lead up to the Easter break was hectic, and you may not have seen my Easter Long-Weekend post . However, now it’s Tuesday and many of our property managers are dealing with the aftermath of blocked drains reported by their tenants over the weekend. Despite the holiday’s being over, the repercussions of a blocked sewer persists, causing disruptions and unnecessary discomfort to your tenants, your owners and you. If you’re facing post-Easter drain disasters, here’s a comprehensive guide to help manage the situation and prevent future Blocked Drains.

Address Any Immediate Concerns

Respond promptly and with empathy to tenant reports of blocked drains following the Easter break. Assure them that you’re taking necessary steps to resolve the issue. Arrange for a professional plumber to assess the situation promptly, prioritizing those properties with urgent drainage problems.

Fun Fact

85% of Blocked Drains are caused by Tree Roots!

Identifying the Root Cause

During the inspection, your plumber will determine the underlying cause of the blockage. Tree roots infiltrating sewer lines are often to blame, particularly during periods of increased growth like our long hot summer. To say these invasive tree roots can wreak havoc on plumbing systems, leading to Blocked Drains and potential damage if left unattended is a little melodramatic however, it can be pretty unpleasant.

Implementing Long-Term Solutions

While addressing immediate concerns is vital, focus on implementing long-term solutions to prevent recurrence. Consider Vaporooter as a proactive solution for inhibiting root growth in sewer drains. By treating affected pipes with Vaporooter, you create a protective barrier that deters Tree Root regrowth, safeguarding against future blockages and costly repairs.

Communicating with Tenants

Maintain transparent communication throughout the process, updating tenants on any repair status and preventive measures being taken. Encourage your tenants to report any signs of drainage problems promptly. Empower them to play an active role in property maintenance and preservation.

Routine Maintenance and Vigilance

Prioritize routine maintenance to ensure the ongoing health of plumbing systems. Schedule regular inspections and maintenance checks, especially for properties with mature trees nearby. Stay vigilant and proactive to mitigate the risk of future Blocked Drain disasters and minimize disruptions for tenants.


Post-Easter drain disasters might feel like an unwelcome surprise egg hunt, but fear not! With a proactive approach and the right strategies in place, you can crack down on those stubborn blockages. By addressing immediate concerns, implementing long-term solutions like Vaporooter, and keeping the lines of communication flowing with your tenants, you’ll emerge victorious against those relentless tree roots. And hey, by having your plumber use Vaporooter, you can ensure that next Easter holiday doesn’t turn into a “root awakening” for your drains! So, let’s roll up our sleeves, tackle those drain dilemmas, and keep the laughter flowing like unclogged pipes.

Using Vaporooter is smart!

If you have any questions about Vaporooter and whether it’s suitable for your situation Call me on 1800 637 600

If Vaporooter doesn’t suit your circumstance you’ve wasted 10 minutes.

If it does, you’re a genius!

Don’t Let Tree Roots Ruin Your Easter Weekend

A Message to Property Managers

As property managers, you’re likely looking forward to a well-deserved break this Easter Long Weekend. However, while you’re enjoying some time off, it’s essential to remember that tree roots never take a holiday. They continue to grow relentlessly, posing a significant threat to sewer drains and causing potential headaches for your tenants and property owners.

Help! My drains are blocked.

One of the most common issues property managers face, especially in older neighborhoods with mature trees, is tree roots infiltrating sewer lines. These roots are drawn to the moisture and nutrients inside the pipes, and once they find their way in, they can quickly grow and cause blockages, leading to costly repairs and inconveniences for tenants, owners and you their property manager.

But fear not, there is a solution: Vaporooter.

Vaporooter is a highly effective product designed to stop tree roots from growing in sewer drains without costing your owners a fortune. Its powerful formula penetrates the roots and inhibits their growth without harming the tree itself. By applying Vaporooter regularly, property managers can prevent root intrusion and avoid costly and disruptive sewer line repairs.

So, as you prepare to enjoy the Easter Long Weekend, don’t forget about the ongoing battle against tree roots. Take proactive measures to protect your property’s sewer lines with Vaporooter, ensuring that your tenants can enjoy a hassle-free holiday without any unexpected plumbing issues.

Remember, tree roots don’t take a break, but with Vaporooter, you can ensure that your property remains free from root-related plumbing problems year-round.

Wishing you a happy and stress-free Easter Weekend!

Wherever you are, if you want to find out more, Call us on 1800 637 600 and I will send you our Property Managers Guide to Tree Root Control

Stop Tree Roots in Drains. Home Owners Guide.

G’day, Its Dave Conroy here.

I’m in Townsville in North Queensland and my mission is to Stop Tree roots in sewer pipes.

I’m from

If you are a homeowner with tree roots growing in your sewer pipes and you are looking for a simple way to stop tree roots in your drains, then I want you to check out my little book, The Home Owners Guide to tree root control.

It’s got everything you need to know about stopping tree roots in your drains.

So contact me on 1800 637 600 or go to

Vaporooter Stops Tree Roots with a Guarantee!

85% of Blocked Drains are caused by tree roots!

Vaporooter will Stop Tree Roots in Drains!

If you’re a Strata Manager looking after multiple properties or a home owner with blocked drains caused by tree roots and you’re looking for a proactive solution at a reasonable cost, Vaporooter could be the answer for you.

Excavation and renewal OR pipe relining are costly ways to Stop Tree Roots in Drains. Vaporooter is a viable alternative.

If you’re not sure if Vaporooter will work on your place and you have questions then Call Us on 1800 637 600

In this 1.33 min YouTube clip a happy client tells about the Vaporooter Guarantee and how it worked for her.

Who can Help me Stop Tree Roots in Drains?

Vaporooter will Stop Tree Roots in your Drains!

It’s not a DIY process. Vaporooter must be applied by a Certified Applicator to ensure:

# The pipeline is suitable
# You have the right access to the pipes
# The job is done properly
# You get a Guarantee

If you have any questions, call me on 1800 637 600.

Vaporooter – There are some setup costs

G’day! Its Dave Conroy. I’m here today to talk about Vaporooter.

There are some set-up costs if you are considering putting Vaporooter down your sewer pipes if you’ve got repeat blockages caused by tree roots.

The setup costs are a one off thing and, what they include is putting a drain camera through your pipes to survey exactly what is going on inside your pipes to determine if your pipes are actually suitable for a Vaporooter application. 9/10 times they are!

Now, the most common question people ask me is “Does the product work?” Yes, It does!

We’re actually applying Vaporooter at this property in Vaucluse in Sydney’s eastern suburbs this morning. This is a client who has had it applied for five years in a row.

So, to sumarise:

Yes, there some setup costs.
Yes, It does work.
Yes, you need to have it applied annually.

If you’ve got any questions, through Vaporooter Australia, please contact me on 1800 637 600
Or go to our website:

Why trees choose sewer over stormwater pipes

Trees are more likely to grow into sewer pipes than stormwater pipes.

Every day we use our plumbing sending that water and fertiliser combination along the pipeline for the trees and their root systems to drink their fill. BUT, stormwater pipes only carry water when it rains, which in this country is fairly unreliable.

If I was a tree and had a choice of putting my roots into a sewer pipe or a stormwater pipe, I would choose the sewer pipes because every day, as regular as clockwork, I will be fed and watered. If I chose the stormwater pipes, I may die of thirst!

Neighbours tree roots in your pipes

Tree roots growing under the fence is multiplying the number of over the fence disputes between neighbours.
As trees mature, their roots spread and sometimes, go under fences and into neighbouring properties’ sewer pipes.
Periods of no rain will see tree root systems spread in all directions in their search.

Many homeowners without a single tree on their property will still get a blocked drain caused by tree roots from their neighbours’ trees; sometimes 2 or more houses away. That is an inconvenience!

However, Vaporooter is a cost-effective way to stop tree roots in your drains and maintain neighbourly relationships.

Cutting tree roots makes them grow thicker and stronger

Did you know when you cut tree roots from your blocked sewer pipes, they grow back thicker and stronger?

You see, getting a blocked drain specialist to cut tree roots with high-pressure water or an electric eel is like pruning your hedge or rose bush, it encourages tree root regrowth.

Over a long period, when the tree roots in your sewer pipes grow back thicker and stronger, it reduces the time between cuts. And blocked drains occur more frequently!

Eventually, the roots that grow in through the small cracks and joints in your sewer pipeline will begin to damage or break your pipes.

So is the only remedy to dig up that section of pipe and carry out expensive repairs?
No! Find out more about Vaporooter.