A drain is an outlet where water can be piped away from a plumbing fixture like a toilet or WC, a basin, bath or shower, a kitchen sink, laundry tubs or an external drain, known as a gully.
Stormwater drains can take discharge from roofing guttering and pits and grates installed to take runoff water collected from hard surfaces.
A blocked drain is usually referred to when waste water accumulates around any of the drains and can not be evacuated.
Most drains run to either sewer or stormwater mains that are assets of Water authorities, municipal councils and the cities and towns across the country
Most blockages are generally caused by tree roots, grease, hair, sanitary products, dirt and debris or a multitude of foreign items including broken pipes.
Blocked drains are the responsibility of the property owners.
This series of blog posts will be aimed at blocked drain basics.
We will discuss who owns the drains, how to maintain them, what you should and should not put in your drains and what to look out for if your drains are about to block up.
We will look inside pipes, show you a drainoscopy or pipe survey so you know what it’s like in the network of pipes under your homes and buildings.
I encourage your feedback, so please ask questions and we will answer them promptly!
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